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My Weblog is Called "Climate Change Action" This is a resource page relavent to my blogs.
Some months back I produced a report entitled climate change facts and impacts. This report covored two important aspects of climate change: what are the facts about the science and what does this tell us about our need to act?
The UK government is currently awaiting the results from a study it as commissioned into the economics of climate change.
I have just decided to to do a followup to my report 'Climate Change: Facts and Impacts'
1. WWF no place to hide (report of the week on Climate Change Action)
OneWorld Radio
A global radio community sharing programmes and ideas on development.
Environment Radio bring you news on current international regional and local environmental issues. All through a radical lens! Many view points are welcome and people with opposing viewpoints, ideas are welcome to call in for constructive debate.
A couple of great reports from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change:
I found a great selection of webcasts from the montreal talks which may be of interet to anyone with an interest in the negotiations, or the future of our planet!
Here are a couple of interesting radio shows about climate change that i found recently, cheers to radio ecoshock for the lead. Deutsche Welle Radio has a load of great environmental news in english, theire site is here and the two shows are 1. here and 2. here.
I found this SUPERB video from the university of columbia, it is a presentation on the the current state of scientific understanding on climate change and a look at what this knoledge tells us about how the poor are going to be affected.
Two good documents:
Superb program on climate change. The empahsis is on buisness, insurance industries and the economic impacts of climate change.
Hello visitors from TheWatt. If you are looking for more articles about climate change then you should visit my main site, Climate Change Action, if you are looking for information about campaigning on climate change the you should go to the Campaign against Climate Change website.
Content Related To 'Climate Change'
Recomended book: The Green Building Bible, its cheap and usefull with loads of practical advice and contact details for renewables and insulation materials.
Watch the video
On the 1st-3rd feb 2005 over 200 internationally renowned scientists met in Exeter(UK) at the invite of the British Govornment. The aim of this meeting was to establish with a greter degree of certainty the level of carbon dioxide emmision cuts required to avoid dangerous climate change.
I just found a new website detailing the evidence of climate change in a graphic and concise manner. This is of more interest to you non-believers out there than to most of the environmentally aware folk I guess will be visiting my site but you can always pass on the URL to your more skeptical friends.
A superb argument for taking climate change seriously. Also some damning comments on the way the climate debate is presented in the media.
I have recently been watching a series of lectures. On ocean and climate, really interesting stuff but technical so not for everyone, top scientists talking on interesting issues for about 1hr:20 a lecture. One of these lectures was given by Richard Alley of Penn State University. I looked on Amazon and he has written a book on climate change called "The Two Mile Time Machine" which is based around his work as a paleo-glaciologist looking at ice cores from Greenland. I've only read five of the fifteen chapters but its going well so far, he really puts the climate variability humanity has experienced into context, and warns that historically climatic responses to change have been unpredictable in magnitude "Sometimes a small 'push' has caused the climate to change a little, but other times, a small push has knocked the earths climate into a different mode of operation, brining new weather patterns to much of the earth in just a few years or decades".
A major study of the arctic, convincing evidence of climate change and worrying indications about its future severity. A fascinating document, if you need proof of climate change, here it is, if you need convincing of the urgency of the situation then here it is!
A short program about the arctic ecosystem and its response to climate change. This program is from a series of programs b Earthwatch Radio. All the earthwatch radio programs on climate change can be found here. All these programs are about 3 minutes long.
I have finally finished researching and writing my article of UK climate policy. There are some pretty good ideas in there, from the 300 respondents to the govornments consultation. The links are below nd the article is on Climate Change Action
I can never concentrate on one thing at a time, so I`m currently looking into the UK climate change policy review and biomass. My interest in biomass has resurfaced because of a journal article by a scientist names Pimitel which is receiving a lot of attention, this article rubbishes biofuels. I thought it was time to re-appraise my views on the situation and educated myself. The place I first heard of the the journal article is here . The article can also be accessed at the journal homepage, for 40 dollars! But fortunately a larger review written by the Pimitel is freely available.
The Currently on going climate change program review will be the subject of my next article, i`m currently researching the topic. These links may be of interest to people wishing to find out how the govornments climate change efforts are getting on. This document summerises all the replies to the consultation. Of perticular interest:
The enormous potential of climate change mitigation presented by a distributed energy system.
Today the European commission has anounced draft legislation to bring aviation emmisions withing the EU ETS. The proposals are still at an early stage but i will be watching this issue closely as it is of utmost importance.
Got a spare 60 seconds? Check out this site.
I have recently posted a comment on the blog of Mark Lynas. I also filled out a profile whiere i mentioned my interest in the issue of gas flaring. I recieved this letter which might be of interest. I will be posting my own article on this subject soon.
This is a site purely for links to reports which might be of interest and is relavent to my CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION blog. Check it Out!
This whole setting up a website-thing takes quite a while! so-far all the recent reports banner is working, as are the links at the top of the page. The links to material on aviation are also working but the rest of the links are as they where when i knicked the table i`m using from the BBC website :-) and they are internal site links to the bbc so they dont work...give me a few days and hopefully this will be a usefull and fully functional resource.
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